How To Get Rid Of Mucus In Stomach

Knowing mucus

Mucus is very important for our body, specially for our GIT lining (gastrointestinal tract). Mucus is secreted by the stomach epithelial cells, which are the most abundant cell type found in the necks of the gastric pits. To get rid of mucus in the stomach, the following are some effective ways:

  • Increase Humidity
  • Drinking plenty of Liquids
  • Do not suppress cough
  • Salt water gargling.1

Causes and risk factors

Anything in excess is not good. Production of mucus is stimulated by the vagus nerve, prostaglandins, and mechanical stress. Its production is well regulated,  and build-up can occur due to food allergies, inflammation, and even stress.

Excessive production of mucus in the stomach leads to several health concerns since this can derail normal gut functioning.

Some issues encountered with excessive mucus include abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating. Prolonged excess mucus can lead to long term problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), infection, ulcerative colitis, and colorectal cancer. It can also worsen the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease and cystic fibrosis.2

Signs and symptoms

The body makes thick mucus in sinus infection or in cold. Thick mucus can also lead to various digestive problems. Most problems related to mucus are temporary but too much mucus produces some serious problems. Symptoms of excess mucus in stomach includes:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blood-streaked stools
  • Cramping
  • Diarrhoea
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Mucus in faeces
  • Nausea with vomiting
  • Nausea without vomiting
  • Watery diarrhea3

How it feels having mucus in stomach

Mucus is always present in our stomach as it helps to protect our stomach from stomach acid (pepsin). Excess or lack of enough mucus can cause problems. Excess mucus leads to the feelings of nausea, frequently clearing the throat. excessive spitting up or swallowing of mucus.4

Ways to get rid mucus in stomach

Home remedies

  • Keep the atmosphere wet.

Due to irritation from dry air, more mucus forms as a lubricant in the nose and throat. The use of a cold mist humidifier in the bedroom can improve sleep quality by reducing sore throats and keeping the nose clear.

  • Consume a lot of fluids

Hydration is important to keeping mucus thin. Drinking more fluids helps thin mucus and aid in nasal drainage when a person has a cold. Additionally, staying hydrated may help those with seasonal allergies feel less congested.

  • Cover your face with a warm, moist washcloth.

A hot, moist washcloth might provide relief from a throbbing sinus headache. Restoring moisture to the nose and throat quickly can be accomplished by inhaling through a damp towel. Pressure and discomfort will be relieved by the heat.


OTC medications can help to treat mucus, but use medicine with consultation of pharmacist or medical advisor, since mucus production is a natural process for our body to fight off infection.

  • Expectorants
  • Vapour rub
  • Decongestants


  1. Limit Caffeine

Drinking coffee or caffeinated drinks induce urination more often, thus losing more water from the body. To keep mucus thin, the body needs more water.

  1. Stop Smoking

Smoking irritates the airways that triggers the lungs to produce more mucus.

  1. Limit Alcohol Intake

Keep the intake of alcohol to a minimum, or better yet, avoid it. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to dehydration and also makes it harder to clear out mucus.

  1. Keep Your Head Elevated

Add a wedge pillow under the mattress at the head of bed. Sleeping with your head elevated may help you breathe easier and cough less.6

How can I prevent mucus in stomach in the future?5

To prevent the formation of extra mucus and phlegm, take into account the following steps:

  • Keep your head up.

Sleeping raised up on a few pillows or in a recliner may be helpful when the mucus accumulation is really uncomfortable. Because it may seem like mucus is accumulating at the back of the throat, lying flat might make the pain worse.

When raised, a person may also benefit from hypoallergenic pillows.

  • Don't try to stop coughing.

It could be tempting to take suppressants if you have a persistent, phlegmy cough. The body uses coughing to keep secretions out of the throat and lungs, though. If you do use cough syrup, do so sparingly.

  • Quietly eliminate phlegm

The body is probably attempting to expel the phlegm as it climbs into the throat from the lungs. It's better to spit it out than to consume it.

  • Spray or rinse your nose with saline

Mucus and allergens can be removed from the nose and sinuses with a saline spray or irrigation device. Use sterile or distilled water to rinse after using sterile sprays that solely contain sodium chloride.

  • Use salt water to gargle

A sore throat can be calmed by saltwater, which may also aid in clearing any leftover mucus. One can gargle many times a day by putting one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

  • Use eucalyptus.

For years, experts have relied on eucalyptus products to calm coughs and lessen mucus. The typical application is to the chest. To aid in clearing the nose, one may also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a warm bath or diffuser.

  • Refrain from smoking and passive smoking

Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke increase the body's production of phlegm and mucus.

  • Use decongestants sparingly

Decongestants may make it more difficult to get rid of phlegm and mucus, even while they can reduce runny nose and dry discharges.

  • Be aware of allergies

Runny or stuffy noses, as well as an overproduction of mucus and phlegm, are symptoms of seasonal allergies.

  • Keep irritants at bay

As a result of irritation to the nose, throat, and lower airways brought on by chemicals, perfumes, and pollutants, the body produces more mucus.

  • Record food responses.

Certain foods have the potential to mimic seasonal allergy symptoms. They may make the throat itchy and the nose run, which would produce too much mucus. Keep a list of the meals that make you cough up more mucus or phlegm.

  • Avoid drink and coffee

If either chemical is consumed in excess, it causes dehydration. Drink lots of warm, caffeine-free drinks when mucus and phlegm are a concern.

  • Have a hot shower or bath.

Mucus in the nose and throat can be loosened and cleared by spending some time in a steamy restroom. Sinus pressure can also be reduced by allowing hot water to pulse on the face.

  • Gently blow your nose

It could be tempting to continue blowing until heavy mucus emerges. But if you do it too violently, it might damage your sinuses and cause discomfort, pressure, and even infection.

  • Consume a lot of fruit

Reduced respiratory issues linked to phlegm may result from a diet high in fruit and maybe soy fibre.

  • Steer clear of meals that trigger indigestion

Phlegm and mucus production may rise as a result of acid reflux. Heartburn sufferers should steer clear of foods that set it off and consult a doctor for advice on how to handle it.

When to seek medical attention

There are several drugs that may be used to treat excessive mucus production. An expectorant is one of them, and is one of the most well-liked.


Expectorants thin mucus to make coughing more effective in clearing airways. A typical expectorant with a strong reputation for reducing chest congestion is guaifenesin.

In the 1500s, people started consuming guaifenesin in its natural forms. Guaifenesin was initially authorised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1952. In the United States, guaifenesin is the only expectorant that may be purchased over-the-counter (OTC).

Guaifenesin comes in a variety of forms, including: liquid drugs, extended-release pills, and fast-acting tablets

Guaifenesin-containing medicine users should maintain proper hydration and adhere to any medical advice.

Additional mucus-treating drugs

Dornase Alfa is a medicine that is also a potent mucolytic. This drug can be inhaled by those who want to clear their mucus. The accumulation of mucus in the airways may be temporarily reduced with the aid of this medication and other mucolytics.

Anyone interested in learning more about drugs used to treat mucus should speak with a physician. The ideal drug for each situation might be suggested by a medical specialist.

Treatments for minor conditions

People who have a lot of mucus may need to see a doctor for a prescription if it is severe. However, there are a number of over-the-counter alternatives for milder instances.

Numerous mucus-fighting products are available from Mucinex. Long-acting mucus treatment is provided by its 12-hour expectorant's extended-release guaifenesin tablets.

Similarly, Robitussin provides a stronger syrup to treat phlegm and mucus. The relief from phlegm, congestion, and sore throat that this syrup offers lasts for six hours.

These pills also include acetaminophen and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride for fever relief and decongestion in addition to guaifenesin.

The local pharmacy sells all of the aforementioned medicines.

When to visit a doctor

Many people think that colourful nasal mucus is a sign of a bacterial illness. However, it can indicate that the body is battling a sickness or that someone is just dehydrated.

Additionally, allergies or a sinus infection may be indicated by a runny nose or stuffy sensation. People who have persistent illnesses or allergies should see a doctor. Serious allergies can require medical attention, and sinus infections might need antibiotic therapy.

Additionally, people should get medical help if they encounter:

  • A cough that lasts for more than ten days
  • Unpleasant-smelling nasal discharge
  • Impaired vision from a stuffy nose
  • Patches of yellow or white on the back of the throat


Phlegm and mucous are often symptoms of a minor disease that may be treated at home. Symptoms can be relieved by home treatments or over-the-counter medicines.

Phlegm and mucus may temporarily cause slight discomfort or inconvenience, but with the right management, they often do not pose a major threat.

Phlegm, mucous, and other related symptoms should be discussed with a doctor by anybody experiencing them. Antibiotics or allergy medications could be required to treat underlying problems.


  1. 6 foods in your kitchen shelf that can help eliminate excess mucus with ease [Internet]. [cited 2022 Sep 27]. Available from:
  2. What is tummy mucus and why it’s making you sick? [Internet]. Healing Blends Global. [cited 2022 Sep 27]. Available from:
  3. Mucus symptoms [Internet]. Healthgrades. 2014 [cited 2022 Sep 27]. Available from:
  4. Postnasal drip: Symptoms, treatments, home remedies, and more [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2022 Sep 27]. Available from:
  5. How to get rid of phlegm: home remedies, meds, tips, and more [Internet]. Healthline. 2022 [cited 2022 Sep 29]. Available from:
  6. Lowe R. How to get rid of phlegm: home remedies and medications [Internet]. K Health. 2022 [cited 2022 Sep 29]. Available from:
This content is purely informational and isn’t medical guidance. It shouldn’t replace professional medical counsel. Always consult your physician regarding treatment risks and benefits. See our editorial standards for more details.

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Usman Zahid

Pharm-D student, University Of Central Punjab

I’m a Pharm-D student at University of Central Punjab, Lahore. It’s always been my passion to be a pharmacist and serve people. I have gained experience at retail pharmacy, industry, Distribution and marketing as well. From where I have developed several skills of dealing Patients, dispensing and monitoring Medications, marking, patient Counselling, unit dose method, quality control and production.
I plan to run a rehabilitation Centre for drug abusers, Where we’ll rehab them, Groom them, polish their professional skills and provide job opportunities.

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