Hyperlipidaemia is a common condition that represents a risk to suffer cardiovascular diseases such as the accumulation of fat inside the arteries and on their walls known as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. 1
Hyperlipidaemia is characterized by the elevation of two main lipids in the blood called cholesterol and triglycerides. However, these two lipids have important functions within our body: triglycerides store unused calories to provide energy to our body when needed and cholesterol is important for the production of some hormones and is found in most of our cell membranes.
Cholesterol has two subtypes - low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is associated with a high risk factor for cardiovascular disease and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) helps reduce the risk of heart or vascular disease by eliminating low-density cholesterol.2 The normal level of cholesterol is between 125 - 200 mg/dL, and the normal level of triglycerides is less than 150 mg/dL. It is important if you have symptoms like headache, dizziness and weight gain consult your family doctor for an early evaluation.
Hyperlipidaemia and Nutrition
Eating habits are of great importance. The level of cholesterol increases with the consumption of saturated fats such as animal foods, coconut or palm oil, cocoa butter, trans fats from vegetable oils, processed foods such as cookies, snacks and of course the high consumption of eggs, whole milk for its high fat content.
The level of triglycerides is usually increased with the consumption of simple carbohydrates which are generally added to the products such as sodas, artificial juices, candies, corn syrup and molasses, without forgetting that the consumption of these products high in carbohydrates (sugars) increases the risk of diabetes mellitus. Consuming foods with omega-3 fatty acids such as tuna, salmon, trout, sardines, flax oil, walnuts, chia seeds, sunflower oil and olive oil contributes to the control and reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Hyperlipidaemia and Physical Activity
Physical activity is related to many improvements in our mental and physical health. It has a significant effect on our body metabolism, which leads to the use of substrates such as fats and carbohydrates to provide enough energy to our muscles to carry out the physical activity. Hyperlipidaemia is the high risk factor for cardiovascular disease,3 and it is recommended to consult with your doctor about the exercises that you can perform.
Hyperlipidaemia and Smoking
The smoking habit is associated with many diseases due to the changes produced by the chemicals in the human body. Smoking represents a high risk factor for hardening of the arteries, known as arteriosclerosis, which together with atheroma plaques (fatty plaques) formed by hyperlipidaemia generates a high risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Hyperlipidaemia and Alcohol
Alcohol is high in carbohydrates and calories, which translates into high consumption of triglycerides that are stored as fat and contribute to weight gain.5
Hyperlipidaemia and Hydration
One type of kidney stone is generated from cholesterol, thus making people with hyperlipidaemia prone to suffer from kidney stones. Good hydration will maintain proper kidney function preventing these substrates from consolidating and forming kidney stones.
Hyperlipidaemia and Sleep
Hyperlipidaemia can be related to sleep disorders causing night eating syndrome.6 This is a condition in which the person wakes up several times at night to eat (despite not skipping dinner). Often, these nocturnal meals lack a balance in their nutrients, resulting in the intake of calories, carbohydrates and fats that cause hyperlipidaemia.4
Hyperlipidaemia and Weight/BMI
Weight and high body mass index (BMI) are associated with an increase in risk for hyperlipidaemia, However, obesity and a BMI out of the normal range (18.5% - 29.4%) is not always an indication of hyperlipidaemia. A thin person can also suffer from hyperlipidaemia; so it is important to maintain a healthy diet, perform regular physical activit, and visit the GP in case there are concerns regarding your health.
Hyperlipidaemia and Sex Assigned at Birth
The prevalence of hyperlipidaemia according to sex assigned at birth is found to be higher in men than in women, but this depends also on the hereditary factors and unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle.
Hyperlipidaemia is a common disease that is related to weight gain and BMI higher than 25 in most cases. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases when suffering from hyperlipidaemia, so it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by being physically active, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and implementing good habits in our daily lives. Hyperlipidaemia is a reversible and preventable disease, and consulting your doctor periodically will keep you informed about your cholesterol and triglycerides levels.
- Hill MF, Bordoni B. Hyperlipidemia. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [cited 2022 Oct 13]. Available from:
- Guía ESC/EAS 2019 sobre el tratamiento de las dislipemias: modificación de los lípidos para reducir el riesgo cardiovascular. Rev Esp Cardiol [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2022 Oct 13]; 73(5):403.e1-403.e70. Available from:
- Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) [Internet]. [cited 2022 Oct 13]. Available from:
- Mario Seguel L. Trastornos del sueño en trastornos del ánimo y de la conducta alimentaria. Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes [Internet]. 2013 [cited 2022 Oct 13]; 24(3):487–93. Available from:
- Night Eating Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments. Sleep Foundation [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2022 Oct 13]. Available from: