Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

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Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a leading cause of death globally and can affect individuals with different age groups. The most common type of CHD is heart attack and stroke. These types of diseases are caused by cardiovascular issues and are associated with the heart. The blood supply to the heart, basically the arteries gets blocked by a fatty deposit and this prevents blood flow through the arteries and to the heart. The buildup of fat is called atherosclerosis.1 The most important matter is to remember that CHD can be developed due to the lifestyles of individuals and at the same time it can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Thus, lifestyle plays an important role in this scenario. We will be looking into the different factors and in other words the lifestyle of a person, which can stop CHD. These factors include diet, physical activity, weight management, no smoking, control the stress and health checkups. We should be aware that CHD can be prevented and it is good news for everyone as this will reduce the death rates around the world. So let's begin!

Healthy diet

Reduce saturated and trans fats

In a diet, fats play an important role and to be more precise, every human being needs fats to live. However, too much fat or the wrong fat can be dangerous and cause CHD. Fats such as saturated and trans fats are dangerous to consume, while unsaturated fats are good fats and contribute to the essential fats, which the body needs.2 Fats are needed for the body so vitamins, such as vitamins A, D and E can be absorbed and transported around the body.2 On the other hand, too much fats especially saturated fats can increase the cholesterol levels in the body and this in turn would lead to CHD.2 In our body, cholesterol can be found as either low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or high-density lipoprotein (HDL), whereas LDL is the bad cholesterol and can cause CHD.2 HDL is the good cholesterol, which has the role of removing the cholesterol from the body and delivering it to the liver where it gets disposed.2

Saturated fats can be found in food products such as:

  • Sweets
  • Savoury snacks
  • Dairy products (e.g. milk, cream and cheese)
  • Palm and coconut oil
  • Biscuits and cakes2

Trans fat can be found in food items such as meat and dairy products.2 The unsaturated fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) are the good ones and can be found in:

  • Olive oils and rapeseed oils
  • Nuts 
  • Avocados
  • Oily fish

It is important to monitor the amount of fat consumed and the right type of fat.

Increase fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are extremely beneficial for our body and have multiple roles in preventing CHD. Fruits and vegetables have nutrition such as fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins such as A, C and D can be found and each of these has its own role in the body.

  • Vitamin A -  aid in our body’s defence mechanism3
  • Vitamin C - beneficial for wound healing and keeps the cells healthy4
  • Vitamin D - essential for a healthy bone, teeth and muscles5

Fiber is also found in fruit and vegetables and it is essential for our body. Fiber can reduce the risk of CHD and it helps in digestion. Thus, helpful for constipation and indigestion.6 

Another important compound found in fruits and vegetables is an antioxidant, which helps fight CHD by removing free radicals from the body.

Choose whole grains

It is important to eat wisely and healthily. The most important food to avoid is white rice, and white flour (bread) as this can contribute to CHD and high blood sugar levels. The best food to include in the diet is whole grains as this will be beneficial for the body and at the same time, it has got high fibre. 

Limit sodium intake

Sodium intake has to be monitored daily. Sodium is basically salt, which we use in our cooking and its role is to aid the kidney to control the water amount in the bloodstream.7 Consuming too much sodium can cause high blood pressure because the high level of sodium will move the water into the bloodstream and this would increase the high blood pressure.7 Thus, it is important to limit the sodium intake.

Moderate alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption is a treat for our body as it can lead to numerous diseases and one of them is heart disease. Drinking a high amount of alcohol can contribute to this heart disease. It is essential to drink alcohol in moderation and even stop drinking alcohol to avoid any death-causing disease. 

Regular physical activity

There are ways of preventing CHD and physical activity is one of them. Physical activity would be beneficial for heart health and improve overall fitness. A physical activity of 150 minutes a week is the recommended amount to keep healthy and fit.8 Regular physical activity can be:

  • Running 
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Weight lifting

It is better to choose an activity, which is mostly suitable for the individual. Also, physical activity can maintain a good metabolic rate. 

Weight management

Weight does affect an individual's body as carrying too much fat can be fatal. Too much weight is called obesity, which involves having too much fat in the body. Obesity can be caused by consuming too much sugar and fat. This can contribute to CHD. Reducing weight and maintaining weight can be beneficial to reduce the risk of CHD. To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to do some physical activities and eat healthy. 

Smoking cessation

Smoking is one of the factors that can increase the chances of getting CHD. Cigarettes and tobacco consist of chemicals, which can affect the blood. The blood gets sticky and catches fatty materials, which flow in the blood.9 This in turn would build a blood clot and cause heart attack or other diseases associated with the heart.9 So it is important to not smoke or stop smoking. Stopping smoking can be a difficult task as an individual would be addicted to smoking. Using alternatives to cigarettes and tobacco is a bad decision as those can have other chemicals, which can contribute to other health issues. The best method for quitting smoking is to have a plan and use straws when drinking something and eating something to prevent the craving for smoking.9 

Stress management

Stress has to be controlled to prevent CHD. Initially, high levels of stress can cause an increase in blood pressure. Stress can lead to other habits, such as smoking and overeating. These are the factors, which would affect the heart. It is important to control the stress level and overcome stress. There are some techniques, which can be done such as relaxing exercise and hobbies. 

Regular health check-ups

Every individual needs to be alert and careful when it comes to preventing CHD. The most useful and important way of managing and preventing CHD is to have regular health check-ups. Regular health check-ups include checking:

  • Blood pressure
  • Blood glucose level
  • Cholesterol
  • Weight 

Some of these can be done at home and some of them have to be done in the clinic. 


As has been seen, CHD is a condition, which can be fatal and is a leading cause of death. It is essential to maintain good health to prevent CHD and this is mostly done by having a good and healthy lifestyle. The types of lifestyles include healthy eating, increased fruit and vegetable consumption, no smoking and drinking alcohol, control of stress, low sodium intake, consuming less saturated fat and physical activity. So only by having this type of healthy lifestyle CHD can be reduced and prevented. 


  1. ‘Coronary Heart Disease’. British Heart Foundation, Accessed 10 Sept. 2024.
  2. ‘Facts about Fat’. Nhs.Uk, 23 Feb. 2022,
  3. ‘Vitamins and Minerals - Vitamin A’. Nhs.Uk, 23 Oct. 2017,
  4. ‘Vitamins and Minerals - Vitamin C’. Nhs.Uk, 23 Oct. 2017,
  5. ‘Vitamin D’. Nhs.Uk, 23 Oct. 2017,
  6. ‘How to Get More Fibre into Your Diet’. Nhs.Uk, 23 Feb. 2022,
  7. ‘Salt’. British Heart Foundation, Accessed 12 Sept. 2024.
  8. CDC. ‘Benefits of Physical Activity’. Physical Activity Basics, 10 May 2024,
  9. ‘Smoking’. British Heart Foundation, Accessed 13 Sept. 2024.

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