What is longan fruit?
Longan is a subtropical and tropical tree that produces edible fruits. It is one of the well-known members of the Sapindaceae family, which also includes lychee fruits, rambutan, guarana, genip, korlan, pitomba and ackee, which are native to southeast Asia countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines.1,3
Longan fruit is also known as the dragon's eye because it looks like an eyeball when you peel it. The fruit itself is small, round, white, translucent, sweet and watery and has a dark, glossy seed that appears almost as if with a black varnish. The fruit’s outer skin has a matte, brownish look, being quite tough and can crack by pressure, revealing the pulp underneath. The fruit is sweet, juicy and succulent and is used fresh as a dessert, or used in the preparation of compotes. The seeds and peel of the fruit are not for consumption.1,3
The longan tree is a lovely evergreen tree that grows in different sizes, from medium to a high size of approximately 6-12 meters. The flowers are small and yellowish-white. It is a pretty sensitive tree and doesn’t like cold weather. Prefers the sandy soil and produces fruit later in the year compared to lychees. They are usually in season during the summer months, with the peak harvest period between June and September. In this period, you can find the freshest and flavourful Logan fruits in the markets.1,2
Longan and lychee
Longan fruit looks similar to Lychee fruit. They have many similarities, as they belong to the same plant family. Longan is noted for having a drier sweetness, while lychee is characterised as being more aromatic, juicy and possessing a slightly more sour sweetness. Lychee is bigger than longan and provides small amounts of minerals such as Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorus. However, both of these is an excellent source of Vitamin C, Manganese and Fiber.3
Nutritional benefits
Based on the data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one raw Logan fruit has the following nutrients:4
- Water- 83g
- Energy- 60 kcal
- Protein- 1.50g
- Total lipid- 0.1g
- Fibre- 1.1g
- Calcium- 1mg
- Phosphorus- 21mg
- Vitamin C- 84mg
Health benefits
The longan fruit is recognised for its ability to blend medicinal properties with food.
It has anti-ageing properties, promotes skin health, improves circulation, and boosts memory. Also, it can lower blood pressure, increase immunity, and improve the quality of sleep. According to Chinese medicine, it is believed to be beneficial for increasing heart energy, as well as serving for sexual health and beauty.7
A high source of Vitamin C is found in longan fruit, which plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, potentially contributing to the maintenance of firm and healthy skin. Additionally, Vitamin C offer antioxidant protection against ultraviolet radiation and reducing oxidative stress in the body. Studies have shown that the phytochemicals and polysaccharides present in longan fruit have the potential to support gastrointestinal health and the immune system.
The fruit may provide protection against inflammatory response, respiratory system, skin disorders and some types of cancer. Researchers have discovered that individuals who frequently consume fruits tend to have lower levels of depression and higher levels of mental well-being. One potential reason for this outcome is that the eating of fruits may aid in reducing inflammatory processes within the body.9
Feeling stressed out these days is normal. Various factors, such as work pressure and unhealthy social interactions, can contribute to its development. Studies suggest that longan, an exotic fruit, may have the potential to alleviate daily stress due to its components that have a calming influence.
The calming effect of longan fruit can be attributed to its high mineral content. These minerals play a crucial role in soothing the nervous system and muscles. Maintaining adequate levels of potassium and magnesium in our daily diet can reduce the likelihood of experiencing rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, dizziness, anxiety, inability to rest and fatigue.
The energising effect is boosted by the stress-relieving properties of the fruit, making longan fruit a favourable dietary option for individuals experiencing constant stress or fatigue level.3,7,8
How to eat longan fruit?
Using the fingers, carefully peel the skin of the fruit and remove the seed. It can be used in fruit salads, desserts, juices, jams, smoothies and Asian soups.3
To prolong the freshness of longan, it is recommended to store the fruit in a refrigerated environment for approximately one week. Alternatively, longan may be preserved for one to two months by freezing the berries.
Are there any benefits associated with consuming the seeds?
It is not advised to consume longan seeds. However, they can be processed to produce essential oils and extracts.
Numerous studies have indicated that seed extracts from Logan pericarp have properties that protect against colorectal, liver, lung, cervical, and breast cancer. Longan extracts are known to contain functional compounds such as polyphenols and alkaloids, which have the potential to provide protection against tumour formation.2,5
Does longan fruit have any side effects?
Consuming an excessive quantity of longan during the summer months can elevate body temperature and blood sugar levels, potentially increasing the risk of developing ailments such as obesity. For people with a delicate stomach or who are experiencing any form of stomach discomfort, it is recommended to avoid this fruit as it can exacerbate stomach symptoms, leading to issues like diarrhoea, vomiting, cramping or constipation.6,7
It is recommended for pregnant women to discuss with the doctor about the consumption of longan fruit because it can have some stimulatory effects on the body, which may complicate the pregnancy.7
Longan is a tropical fruit found in Asia. In addition to other essential nutrients, smaller quantities of Magnesium, Vitamin B and Potassium are also present. There are very few carbohydrates found in longan fruit.
Has valuable healing, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. In terms of its therapeutic benefits, it seems to have a mildly calming effect, promoting a sense of relaxation.
Regular consumption of this type of tropical fruit contributes to healthier, stronger and more elastic skin. Apart from this, it is a good source of managing stress levels.
This fruit is great for helping us relax by having a favourable effect on our nervous system. It is perfect for boosting our energy level and reducing fatigue, so it can be a fantastic addition to breakfast or as a snack between meals. It can regulate our sleep and restore energy and vitality.
- Longan | description, fruit, & facts | britannica [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/plant/longan
- Souvannalith L. How to eat longan and why you should try it(What it taste like) [Internet]. Cooking with Lane. 2023 [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://cookingwithlane.com/longan/
- Dr. Axe [Internet]. [cited 2024 May 10]. Longan fruit nutrition facts, health benefits and uses. Available from: https://draxe.com/nutrition/longan/
- Fooddata central [Internet]. [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169089/nutrients
- Tang YY, He XM, Sun J, Li CB, Li L, Sheng JF, et al. Polyphenols and alkaloids in byproducts of longan fruits (Dimocarpus longan lour.) and their bioactivities. Molecules [Internet]. 2019 Mar 26 [cited 2024 May 10];24(6):1186. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6471414/
- Vietnamese longan fruit: types and benefits [Internet]. [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://www.vietnamonline.com/entry/longans.html
- 11 wonderful benefits of longan fruit & its nutrition facts [Internet]. Organic Facts. 2017 [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://www.organicfacts.net/longan-fruit.html
- Lixandru M. Properties and benefits of longan [Internet]. NatureWord. 2020 [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://www.natureword.com/properties-and-benefits-of-longan/
- How fruit can improve your mental health | psychology today [Internet]. [cited 2024 May 10]. Available from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/night-sweats-and-delusions-grandeur/202209/how-fruit-can-improve-your-mental-health