Music Therapy For Autism

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What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is a neurodevelopmental disease that is mostly diagnosed during childhood. It is said that ASD affects around 1 in 44 children who are 8 years of age, and is more common in boys than girls.1

Music therapy

Music therapy uses the power of music in a therapeutic way to manage various conditions and disorders and improve your child's quality of life. You can sing or play instruments, listen to music and discuss the meaning of lyrics.2

Understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Overview of ASD characteristics and symptoms

ASD is a developmental disability caused by an impact on your child’s brain. They will behave, interact and learn slightly differently from other children. Children with ASD will have trouble with social interactions, how they perceive the information, and using verbal and nonverbal communication.1

How do I know my child has autism?

Well, ASD symptoms will range from mild to severe and every child is different. Some of the signs they may show are:

  • Not looking at you (parent) when you call their names, or respond inconsistently
  • Not engaging in smiling, making faces or sounds with you or others by the age of 9 months
  • Not smiling or showing expressions of joy by the age of 6 months
  • Not blabbering by the age of 12 months
  • Not playing any back-and-forth games 
  • Not saying any words by the age of 16 months
  • Not using gestures, like waving or reaching by the age of 12 months
  • Not speaking two-word phrases by the age of 24 months
  • Loss of speech, social skills and babbling
  • Lining up toys the same way every time
  • Must follow the same routine and showing extreme reactions to small changes in the routine
  • Dislike of loud noises

If you notice any of these signs with your child, it is important that you seek help from professionals.1

Impact of ASD on individuals and families

Individuals with ASD often have problems with social interactions and communication. They have repetitive and restrictive behaviours and interests. They may also have a different way of learning and paying attention.

Living with a person with ASD can affect the entire family – parents, siblings and extended family. Making sure the person with ASD gets what they need can be challenging for families, as it can create a stressful environment, affecting them both emotionally and physically. 

Therefore, it is important to reach out to professionals, as they can help and advise you on how to help your child.1,2

Basics of music therapy

Definition and goals of music therapy 

Music therapy is an approach to psychological clinical intervention. It uses music to help people with injuries, disabilities and ASD. It can also help adults and children with ASD to reduce anxiety when developing new skills. It can be hard for a person with ASD to express by just using words. Using music can give them a way for them to connect with other people.3

Different approaches used in music therapy

Music therapy is a very versatile meaning that can be used in different environments, such as schools, hospitals and homes. 

This type of therapy sessions are structured and depends on the needs of each adult or child with ASD. They will be tailored to their approach to meet their expectations and encourage interactions through live and improvised music. 

The techniques vary from individual to individual. For example, using instruments like guitars, drums, keyboards, and xylophones to record music and music videos can help the social interaction between the therapist and the individual with ASD.2,3

Benefits of music therapy for people with autism

  • Emotional regulation and expression
  • Improving communication and social skills
  • Enhancing cognitive abilities
  • Reducing anxiety and stress levels
  • Stimulating language development
  • Inducing imagination and creativity
  • Encouraging spontaneous play
  • Improving concentration4

Implementation of music therapy for autism

Qualified professionals and their roles

A qualified professional would have a master's degree in music therapy and will need to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The role of a music therapist includes meeting a range of individuals from all different ages and families, assessing the individuals' needs, and preparing sessions. Various musical styles and instruments can be used in either group or one-to-one sessions. The progress is monitored and there will also be sessions with a senior music therapist.5 

Settings for music therapy sessions

It is important for the therapist to create a safe environment for the individuals.3,4 

Case studies and success stories

There are many examples and successful case studies in the UK. The examples include:

  • Case study 1 - Rosie (7), spent a lot of her time isolated from the world and either curled up quietly or jumped randomly. The music therapy given to her matched her movements and expressive sounds she made. Throughout her course, she began vocalising in the pitch of the music and was able to experience self-control and a connection with the world. She also started to make eye contact and interact with her therapist and later, the people in her life
  • Case study 2 - Sanjeev (16), was finding it very difficult to transition places and felt stagnant and anxious by sensory stimulation. The music therapist matched the rhythmic beats to his movements and through this Sanjeev found more stability and order. It helped him to first move into the therapy room and then move confidently around the school. He now taps or drums patterns on his knees to make him comfortable and focused
  • Case Study 3 - Harry (37), often found himself distressed at various times of the day and had tried to hurt himself. The staff from his care home felt that it could be related to his past. Harry had 1:1 sessions, where he used instruments and vocal sounds to express himself each week. He learned to communicate and process the feelings of anger, sadness and pain. With the help of music therapy, he became calm and settled and was able to take part in activities and social events6 

Challenges and considerations

Music therapy is generally safe and has a lower risk of side effects. However, in some cases the music may trigger painful memories for you or your child. To lower the chances, your therapist will talk with you about your life experiences, including past trauma or your response to music. Sharing can make you feel comfortable and allow your therapist to tailor the session just for you. Your therapist will do everything to make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment.1,2 

Future directions and research

It is clear that music has a positive impact on ASD. Music helps to regulate the sensory and cognitive processes in the brain, which then help the behaviour of others. In order to fully understand how music therapy works, researchers should focus on the mechanism of the changes in brain connectivity. This can improve the understanding of the correlation between brain connectivity, and ASD symptoms and signs.7


Music therapy can open new doors and help those who have conditions like ASD. It is a safe and comfortable method to alleviate and improve the quality of life. Music therapy is an individualised treatment option, so the interventions will be tailored to your needs and will vary from person to person. The potential of music therapy to change someone’s life for the better is limitless.


  1. Cleveland Clinic [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 1]. What is autism spectrum disorder (Asd)? Available from:
  2. Geretsegger M, Elefant C, Mössler KA, Gold C. Music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database Syst Rev [Internet]. 2014 Jun 17 [cited 2024 Feb 1];2014(6):CD004381. Available from:
  3. Cleveland Clinic [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 1]. What is music therapy, and how can it help me? Available from:
  4. The Autism Service. 2023 [cited 2024 Feb 1]. Music therapy and autism: how it can help people with ASD from The Autism Service. Available from:
  5. Music therapist | explore careers | national careers service [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 1]. Available from:
  6. Music therapy and autism [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 1]. Available from:
  7. Music therapy and autism: think neurology for kids: pediatric neurology [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 1]. Available from:

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Anjali Tulcidas

Master of Science- MSc Advanced Biomedical Sciences, De Montfort University

My name is Anjali, and I am an aspiring medical communications professional from Portugal. I have a life-science background with a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical science, along with experience as a Research Intern in the Fiji Islands. I pursued my Master’s in Advanced Biomedical Sciences because I was looking into enriching my understanding of different diseases and their therapeutic areas. I hope you enjoy reading this article!

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