Resveratrol In Grapes And Its Health Impacts

  • Sarah LymanBachelor of Science (BS), Medical Biology, The University of Huddersfield
  • Swati SharmaMaster of Dental Science - Operative Dentistry, King George’s Medical College, Lucknow, India
  • Arghavan KassraieBachelor of Engineering - BEng, Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde

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Have you ever heard that drinking red wine in the evening can increase health and longevity? Can drinking alcoholic beverages improve our health? We know that wine is made by fermenting grapes, and grape is a fruit. Hence, there exists a link between health and grapes. Grapes have a chemical called resveratrol. 

Resveratrol has many health-promoting benefits, including age-defying properties. The fruits in their raw fresh form provide these benefits, while consuming alcohol is detrimental to health. Resveratrol has many health benefits which make adding grapes to our diet worthwhile.

What is resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a chemical called a polyphenol, it is found naturally in many fruits and is particularly abundant in the skin of red grapes.1 Certain plants release this substance under stressful conditions such as infection or injury. Resveratrol occurs in high concentrations in the skins of certain red grape varieties, including those used in red wine production. Red grapes contain approximately 50-100µg/g of resveratrol, making them an optimal choice when actively seeking to introduce resveratrol in the diet. Resveratrol is also found in many other foods such as blueberries, peanuts, jackfruit and mulberries to name a few.2

The health benefits of resveratrol


Resveratrol has many health benefits. The most reported benefit is cardioprotection. Red wine consumption has been linked with promoting cardiac health since the 1990s. French who are red wine drinkers suffer reduced levels of cardiac episodes compared to other populations, despite taking a diet rich in fat and high-calorie foods such as cheese, pastries and breads.

This finding is the “French paradox” and has led to extensive research into wine consumption and health, preceded by the discovery of the health-promoting substance resveratrol found in the wine, and its cardioprotective properties in humans.2 Other benefits of resveratrol

  • Antioxidative properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Immune system boosting properties
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol maintenance
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Neuroprotective properties
  • Cardioprotective properties
  • Antibiotic properties3

Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties 

Free radicals and antioxidants

There have been numerous studies that substantiate that resveratrol provides enhanced anti-oxidative benefits to the body.3 The body naturally produces molecular substances called free radicals when performing normal daily metabolic functions. Free radicals form in response to environmental changes such as cigarette smoking, inhaling pollutants, undergoing X-rays, and coming into contact with chemicals. The upregulation of free radicals within the body leads to oxidative stress and this can have severe detrimental effects to health. Some of these effects include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stroke and neurodegenerative diseases.

Antioxidants work by balancing out the levels of free radicals within the body to maintain normal internal functioning; this balance is homeostasis.4 Resveratrol and its anti-oxidative properties can assist in the maintenance and modulation of free radicals within the body, potentially limiting and decelerating the negative health impacts.

Anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol

Inflammation is a natural defence system stimulated in response to external damage such as injury, or foreign invasion by pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation causes swelling, redness and pain. This response is essential to our health as it diverts much-needed healing compounds, such as immune cells, to combat infection and platelets to stimulate clotting and scabbing. 

However, some people suffer from a condition called chronic inflammation, where the inflammatory response is overstimulated and not required. It leads to inflammation with no due cause. An example of this is rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation and damage to the joints, which require anti-inflammatory medication. 

There have been extensive studies on the anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol and it has been highlighted as a potential therapeutic substance in treating chronic inflammation, with ongoing clinical trials in this area yielding promising results.5

Cardioprotective properties of resveratrol

Studies, to uncover the cardiovascular benefits of this substance are found abundantly in grapes and red wine reveal it reduces vascular inflammation (inflammation occurring in the blood vessels) and is known to cause conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (narrowing of the blood vessels). These conditions, over time, lead to more severe cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and heart failure.6 The results of resveratrol given to patients with a history of heart attack and heart failure were positive. The damaged blood vessels had remarkable improvement while taking the supplement.6 

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is a global concern. This disease causes the body to become resistant to insulin. When we eat, the pancreas secretes insulin, which then travels through the blood and stimulates the uptake of glucose from the blood into the cells. This process is essential in maintaining vascular health. Increased glucose in the circulating blood has adverse effects on the blood vessel walls, which causes cardiovascular disease. 

Resveratrol increases the production of insulin in the pancreas, allows more insulin in the blood, and promotes the uptake of glucose from the blood into the cells. Furthermore, resveratrol enhances glucose uptake by the cells, lowering blood sugar levels. Glucose modulation is essential in combating diabetes and preventing cardiac morbidities associated with this condition.7 

Anti-cancer properties of Resveratrol

Cancer causes most deaths worldwide. For decades scientists have researched potential cures and improved treatment for these diseases. Screening and technology has improved, but the treatment regime has not improved survival and mortality rates. Treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation produce severe adverse side effects, as well as cancer cell resistance to the drugs themselves. 

Cancer is a term that covers over 200 different types of disease. Cancer occurs due to mutations in the DNA of cells. This accumulation of mutated cells leads to tumour formation. 

If cancer is diagnosed at the primary tumour stage, some cells from the initial tumour l migrate and spread throughout the body, causing multiple cancer sites and a poor prognosis for the patient. It is known as metastatic cancer. 

  • Resveratrol possesses anti-cancer properties at all stages of carcinogenesis(cancer formation)
  • Mutation in genes occurs due to cigarette smoke
  • Pollutants
  • Chemicals 
  • UV radiations 
  • Increased free radical production within the body promotes genetic mutation 

Resveratrol is an antioxidant capable of modulating the concentrations of free radicals within the body, a direct anti-cancer property. It also inhibits substances that promote DNA damage and mutation.8 

Once carcinogenesis is initiated, the cells accumulate to form a tumour. The body constantly produces irregular cells under normal circumstances, which are detected and destroyed, before they cause damage, in a process called programmed cell death (apoptosis). Resveratrol exhibits apoptotic properties, eliminating these abnormal, potentially malignant cells, and inhibiting tumour formation.8

Finally, resveratrol may also inhibit cancer cells from spreading. This final event in carcinogenesis yields poor outcomes for the patient. To allow cancer cells to migrate from the initial site of origin, angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) begins. Resveratrol inhibits angiogenesis. It improves patient outcomes and survival rates, following a cancer diagnosis.8

Neuroprotective properties of resveratrol

Neurodegeneration causes diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Motor Neurone Disease and Huntington’s. These diseases occur due to the loss of neurons (nerve cells). These diseases are progressive and currently incurable and prevalent in an ageing population.9 

Neurodegenerative diseases occur due to changes in the cells of the brain. Cells contain tiny organs called organelles that keep the cell healthy. One of these organelles, the mitochondria, becomes impaired and damaged in neurodegenerative diseases. Cells cannot survive without mitochondria leading to nerve cell death (apoptosis). Significant nerve cell loss leads to disease progression. 

Resveratrol is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, gaining access to the nerve cells within the brain. Destruction of the mitochondria is caused in part by free radicals. As a potent antioxidant, resveratrol sequesters elevated free radicals, reducing their ability to cause damage to the mitochondria, and promoting nerve cell health. Destruction of the mitochondria causes cell death and apoptosis. Resveratrol inhibits nerve cell death associated with disease progression, making it a promising therapeutic avenue for diagnosis and disease prevention.10

Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory properties. Neurodegenerative diseases elicit an immune response to the damaged nerve cells within the brain tissue. Inflammation exacerbates the condition, worsening symptoms and assisting in disease progression. Resveratrol suppresses the cells within the brain and activates this inflammatory response, reducing inflammation and its damaging effects.11 


Consuming resveratrol is a part of a healthy diet with many benefits. Raw fruits contain vitamins and nutrients that improve overall health at both the molecular and systemic levels. 

It improves cardiovascular health, decreases cancer risk, and limits age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Decreasing the risk of stroke, preventing diabetes, and reducing the symptoms of chronic inflammation are promising life-enhancing benefits of consuming resveratrol.

Clinical trials studying the many therapeutic targets highlighted in this article are ongoing. The body is a complex and efficient piece of machinery, with it being capable of eliminating resveratrol consumed in the diet quickly. Therefore, dosage is an important barrier that scientists are looking to overcome with the hopes that this natural substance, with few side effects compared to synthetic medications, can be approved and advised to treat severe and chronic conditions safely. 

Anti-coagulative properties of resveratrol consumed in large doses should be proved and substantiated, before being prescribed. Individuals on blood thinning medications should consult their physician to include resveratrol in the diet. 

The foods containing this substance are all excellent sources of nutrition. They prevent and protect us against severe and chronic diseases.


  1. Linus Pauling Institute [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2024 Jan 10]. Resveratrol. Available from:
  2. Lekli I, Ray D, Das DK. Longevity nutrients resveratrol, wines and grapes. Genes Nutr [Internet]. 2010 Mar [cited 2024 Jan 10];5(1):55–60. Available from:
  3. Meng X, Zhou J, Zhao CN, Gan RY, Li HB. Health benefits and molecular mechanisms of resveratrol: a narrative review. Foods [Internet]. 2020 Mar 14 [cited 2024 Jan 11];9(3):340. Available from:
  4. Lobo V, Patil A, Phatak A, Chandra N. Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health. Pharmacogn Rev [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2024 Jan 11];4(8):118–26. Available from:
  5. Teimouri M, Homayouni-Tabrizi M, Rajabian A, Amiri H, Hosseini H. Anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol in patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine [Internet]. 2022 Nov 1 [cited 2024 Jan 11];70:102863. Available from:
  6. Dyck GJB, Raj P, Zieroth S, Dyck JRB, Ezekowitz JA. The effects of resveratrol in patients with cardiovascular disease and heart failure: a narrative review. Int J Mol Sci [Internet]. 2019 Feb 19 [cited 2024 Jan 11];20(4):904. Available from:
  7. Su M, Zhao W, Xu S, Weng J. Resveratrol in treating diabetes and its cardiovascular complications: a review of its mechanisms of action. Antioxidants (Basel) [Internet]. 2022 May 30 [cited 2024 Jan 11];11(6):1085. Available from:
  8. Ko JH, Sethi G, Um JY, Shanmugam MK, Arfuso F, Kumar AP, et al. The role of resveratrol in cancer therapy. Int J Mol Sci [Internet]. 2017 Dec 1 [cited 2024 Jan 11];18(12):2589. Available from:
  9. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jan 11]. Neurodegenerative diseases. Available from:
  10. Yadav E, Yadav P, Khan MMU, Singh H, Verma A. Resveratrol: A potential therapeutic natural polyphenol for neurodegenerative diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Front Pharmacol [Internet]. 2022 Sep 16 [cited 2024 Jan 11];13:922232. Available from:
  11. Sun AY, Wang Q, Simonyi A, Sun GY. Resveratrol as a therapeutic agent for neurodegenerative diseases. Mol Neurobiol [Internet]. 2010 Jun [cited 2024 Jan 12];41(2–3):375–83. Available from:

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Sarah Lyman

Bachelor of Science (BS), Medical Biology, The University of Huddersfield

Sarah is a Biomedical Scientist with extensive research experience in the field of Cancer Biology. She has many years experience as a College lecturer of Medical Science, an academic course leader and an expert in curriculum writing and development.

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