What Is Periventricular Leukomalacia?

  • Talita Utomo BSc Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield
  • Muna hassan Bachelor of science in molecular biology and Genetics Üsküdar Üniversitesi

Understanding periventricular leukomalacia

In the world of neonatal health, a lesser-known but significant condition exists called Periventricular Leukomalacia, or PVL. While it might not be a well-known disease, PVL profoundly impacts the lives of infants and their families.

In the following article, we will unravel the scientific intricacies behind periventricular leukomalacia, exploring its causes and the symptoms that make infants vulnerable to its effects. We will also delve into the observable symptoms, offering insight into the struggles faced. Moreover, we will highlight the efforts of medical professionals and researchers, showcasing the progress made in the diagnosis & treatment of PVL.


The neurological disorder known as periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) mainly affects premature babies, especially those delivered before 32 weeks of pregnancy. It is marked by impairment and the softening of the brain's white matter, especially in the area around the ventricles, known as the periventricular region. When it comes to the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to other sections of the body, white matter is essential.

While the specific cause of PVL is not always known, hypoxia (low oxygen) and ischemia (reduced blood flow) to the periventricular white matter are frequently linked to the condition. Because their brains are still developing and are not yet completely developed enough to tolerate such pressures, premature newborns are more susceptible to PVL.1

PVL can have serious repercussions, frequently resulting in long-term neurodevelopmental problems. Cerebral palsy, learning challenges, motor and sensory issues, and cognitive impairments are common consequences linked to PVL. Medical practitioners utilize a range of diagnostic methods, including MRI and ultrasound, to identify afflicted newborns with PVL. Early detection and management are critical to controlling and reducing the condition's impacts.2

To assist the development of vulnerable newborns' brains, proper neonatal care and addressing the risk factors linked with premature birth are typically key components of PVL prevention. Researchers and medical experts are still working to develop better therapies and strategies to improve the lives of kids with PVL.

White matter 

The brain's white matter is essential to the central nervous system's growth, operations, and communication. The following are some of the major roles and functions of white matter in the growing brain:

  1. Nerve Signal Transmission: Nerve fibres, also known as axons, make up the majority of white matter and serve as the brain's "wiring". These axons are in charge of carrying electrical impulses, or action potentials, from one part of the brain to another, facilitating coordination and communication for a variety of activities, such as motor control, sensory processing, and cognitive functions.
  2. Connective Network: White matter serves as a connective network that facilitates and upholds communication across various brain areas. White matter pathways in the brain organize and get more complex as the children grow, enabling more advanced information processing.
  3. Coordinated Movement: For coordinated motor tasks, white matter pathways in the brain and spinal cord are essential. The development of both fine and coarse motor skills depends on these pathways, which allow for coordinated and exact motions.3
  4. Cognitive Development: A key component of cognitive development is white matter. The integrity and connectivity of white matter pathways are critical for the development of language, memory, attention, and problem-solving skills as the brain ages.
  5. Sensory Integration: White matter helps the brain make sense of its surroundings by facilitating the integration of sensory data from many modalities, including vision, hearing, and touch. The growth of perceptual and cognitive capacities depends on this integration.4
  6. Emotional control: Social functioning and emotional control are mediated by white matter connections across many brain areas. Their growth is necessary for emotional development and social interaction skills.

Causes and risk factors

Periventricular white matter in the brain is more vulnerable to damage, and this is frequently associated with the causes of PVL. The following are a few of the risk factors and causes of PVL:

  1. Hypoxia and Ischemia: The two main causes of PVL are hypoxia and ischemia to the periventricular white matter. Due to their immature respiratory and circulatory systems, premature newborns are more susceptible to severe complications during childbirth.
  2. Inflammation: White matter cells in the periventricular area can be harmed by infections and inflammatory reactions, such as chorioamnionitis (fetal membrane infection) and intrauterine infections.5
  3. Premature Birth: A major risk factor for PVL is being born early, usually before 32 weeks of pregnancy. In premature babies, the white matter of the brain, particularly the periventricular region, is still developing.6
  4. Low delivery Weight: Premature delivery is frequently linked to low birth weight, which raises the risk of PVL. Youngsters under the weight of 1,500 grams are especially susceptible.6
  5. Vascular Issues: Preeclampsia and maternal hypertension are two conditions that might increase the risk of PVL as they both damage blood vessels.7

Clinical symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of infants with PVL aren’t usually seen until the child is around 1-2 years old. Common symptoms are:

  1. Abnormal Movements: Stiffness or involuntary movements may be noticed. These may have an impact on a child's motor coordination and ability to control the way they move.
  2. Developmental Delays: Children with PVL may take longer to accomplish milestones in their development, such as sitting, crawling, or walking. Language and cognitive development may also be impacted.
  3. Visual and Hearing Problems: PVL may result in irregularities in eye movement or vision loss, among other visual problems. Hearing issues might also arise.
  4. Brain Palsy: A major risk factor for cerebral palsy is PVL. Children with PVL may experience spastic cerebral palsy, which is characterized by rigid muscles and trouble moving.8

Diagnosis of this condition is usually done by MRI scans and cranial ultrasounds. Cranial ultrasounds are non-invasive screenings that create pictures of the body's tissues using sound waves. With this examination, the baby's brain is seen through the fontanelles, which are the soft spaces between the skull bones. An ultrasound of a newborn with PVL reveals cysts or vacant spaces in the brain tissue. This ultrasound is usually done on infants up to 1 year of age.9

Long-term complications and treatment

PVL might have a variety of long-term consequences for those who are impacted. Cerebral palsy, movement impairments, cognitive and learning challenges, visual and auditory impairments, and speech and language delays are common complications. Seizures, behavioural and emotional problems, as well as the impact on general quality of life can all result from PVL. On the other hand, early detection and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment can greatly improve complications.

There are no specific treatments or medicines for PVL, but researchers have made some breakthroughs in rat models. It has been shown that chemicals such as glutamate, proinflammatory cytokines, and free radicals contribute to PVL. Scientists are investigating strategies to prevent or cure PVL in these animal models by preventing an overactive brain cell type called microglia. Overactive microglia can cause brain injury by releasing toxic chemicals, including glutamate, proinflammatory cytokines, and free radicals. Therefore, by figuring out how to pacify these microglia cells, scientists intend to lessen the release of these toxic chemicals and shield the brain from PVL.6

Since long-term consequences and the degree of complications might differ from person to person, healthcare providers must customise therapies to meet the unique needs of each patient with PVL. Occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, and educational support are examples of specialized treatments that are essential to treating the impacts.10

Prevention and risk reduction

A healthy lifestyle, chronic disease management, infection prevention, stress reduction, and consistent prenatal care are all important ways to prevent premature delivery and the risk of Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL). To avoid premature birth, medical professionals may measure cervical length, provide progesterone supplements, or suggest surgeries like cerclage. Even while it can't always be avoided, taking all of these precautions greatly lowers the chance of preterm delivery and, consequently, PVL, giving babies a better start in life.11


PVL is a neurological disorder mainly linked to preterm delivery. It is brought on by inflammation, oxygen deprivation, and other conditions that harm the brain's white matter. Numerous issues, including cerebral palsy, motor impairments, cognitive and learning challenges, and sensory impairments, can result from this injury. Premature birth, low birth weight, and maternal illnesses are risk factors for PVL. To help alleviate the condition, therapies frequently concentrate on symptom management, developmental support, and specialized therapies, including physical therapy and speech therapy. 

By leading a healthy lifestyle and undergoing prenatal care, premature birth risk can be reduced, and PVL can be avoided. When necessary, medical professionals may employ procedures including cerclage, progesterone therapy, or cervical length evaluation. Even though PVL can cause long-term problems, individuals who are affected by PVL can greatly improve their quality of life with early and thorough therapy.


  1. Periventricular Leukomalacia [Internet]. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 2023 [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/periventricular-leukomalacia
  2. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health [Internet]. Stanfordchildrens.org. 2023 [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=periventricular-leukomalacia-pvl-in-children-90-P02619&sid=
  3. Filley CM, Fields RD. White matter and cognition: making the connection | Journal of Neurophysiology [Internet]. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2020 [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/jn.00221.2016
  4. Hebert JR, Filley CM. Multisensory integration and white matter pathology: Contributions to cognitive dysfunction. Frontiers in Neurology [Internet]. 2022 Nov 2 [cited 2023 Nov 8]; Available from: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2022.1051538/full
  5. Zaghloul N, Ahmed M. Pathophysiology of periventricular leukomalacia: What we learned from animal models. Neural Regeneration Research [Internet]. 2017 Jan 1 [cited 2023 Nov 8];12(11):1795–5. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5745826/
  6. Deng W, Pleasure JR, Pleasure DE. Progress in Periventricular Leukomalacia. Archives of neurology [Internet]. 2008 Oct 1 [cited 2023 Nov 8];65(10). Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898886/
  7. Young Ah Lee. White Matter Injury of Prematurity: Its Mechanisms and Clinical Features. Journal of pathology and translational medicine [Internet]. 2017 Sep 15 [cited 2023 Nov 8];51(5):449–55. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5611534/
  8. Carter SL. Motor Impairment Associated with Neurological Injury in Premature Infants | Emory School of Medicine [Internet]. Emory.edu. 2023 [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://med.emory.edu/departments/pediatrics/divisions/neonatology/dpc/cp-mx.html
  9. Richer EJ, Riedesel EL, Linam LE. Review of Neonatal and Infant Cranial US [Internet]. RadioGraphics. 2021 [cited 2023 Nov 9]. Available from: https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.1148/rg.2021210089
  10. Periventricular Leukomalacia - Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics - Golisano Children’s Hospital - University of Rochester Medical Center [Internet]. Rochester.edu. 2023 [cited 2023 Nov 9]. Available from: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/childrens-hospital/developmental-disabilities/conditions/periventricular-leukomalacia.aspx
  11. Newnham JP, Dickinson JE, Hart R, Pennell CE, Arrese CA, Keelan JA. Strategies to Prevent Preterm Birth. Frontiers in Immunology [Internet]. 2014 Nov 19 [cited 2023 Nov 9];5. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4237124/
This content is purely informational and isn’t medical guidance. It shouldn’t replace professional medical counsel. Always consult your physician regarding treatment risks and benefits. See our editorial standards for more details.

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Talita Utomo

BSc Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield

Talita is a second-year Biomedical Science student with a passion for science and a commitment to making a meaningful impact. Beyond her professional journey, she has discovered an interest in writing health articles, combining her scientific background with effective communication skills.

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