What Is Spectrophobia?

  • Ellen Rogers MSc in Advanced Biological Sciences, University of Exeter, UK
  • Humna Maryam Ikram BS, Pharmacology, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

Fear is a natural human response to certain stimuli, helping us to avoid danger and stay safe. However, sometimes fear can take on irrational forms, causing distress and interfering with daily life. One such fear is spectrophobia, otherwise called eisoptrophobia or catoptrophobia. This is an intense and irrational fear of mirrors and one's reflection.1 In this article, we will explore the nature of spectrophobia, its potential causes, its effects on individuals, and possible ways to manage and overcome this unique phobia.

Understanding spectrophobia

As mentioned before, spectrophobia is a specific phobia characterised by an extreme fear of mirrors or reflective surfaces. Individuals with spectrophobia experience high levels of anxiety or panic when confronted with their reflection or the sight of mirrors. This fear can be so overwhelming that it leads to avoidance behaviour, where individuals go to great lengths to avoid encountering mirrors.

While the exact prevalence of spectrophobia is not well-documented, it is thought to be relatively rare compared to other phobias. However, the impact it can have on individuals' lives should not be underestimated. This fear can lead to avoidance of not only mirrors but also social situations, as individuals may fear catching a glimpse of themselves on reflective surfaces in public.2

Causes of spectrophobia

The exact causes of spectrophobia are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute to its development:2

  1. Genetics: a family history of mood disorders like bipolar depression may cause a person to have genes that can lead to phobias
  2. Traumatic experience: like many phobias, spectrophobia can sometimes be traced back to a traumatic experience involving mirrors. This could be an event in childhood, such as a frightening incident involving a mirror, that leaves a lasting impression.
  3. Cultural or superstitious beliefs: cultural beliefs and superstitions surrounding mirrors and reflections may contribute to the development of spectrophobia. Some cultures associate mirrors with the supernatural or believe that they can reveal hidden truths, which might intensify an individual's fear.
  4. Body dysmorphic concerns: individuals who struggle with body dysmorphic disorder, a mental health condition characterized by obsessive concerns about one's appearance, may be more prone to developing spectrophobia. Mirrors can serve as triggers for their pre-existing anxieties about their appearance.
  5. Media influence: movies, TV shows, and literature often depict mirrors as portals to other worlds or as tools for revealing sinister entities. Such portrayals can contribute to the fear of mirrors in susceptible individuals.
  6. Learned behaviour: sometimes, people can develop phobias through learned behaviour. If someone close to an individual expresses extreme fear or discomfort around mirrors, that individual might internalize and develop similar feelings.

Effects of spectrophobia

Spectrophobia can have a significant impact on various aspects of an individual's life:2 

  1. Daily functioning: the fear of encountering mirrors can lead to avoidance behaviour, disrupting daily routines. Individuals may avoid places that have mirrors or even rearrange their homes to minimize mirror exposure.
  2. Social isolation: spectrophobia can lead to social isolation, as individuals may avoid social gatherings or events where they might encounter mirrors or reflective surfaces
  3. Negative emotional impact: The constant anxiety and fear associated with spectrophobia can lead to heightened stress levels and negatively affect an individual's emotional well-being
  4. Body image issues: for individuals who already struggle with body image concerns, spectrophobia can exacerbate these issues and lead to heightened self-criticism
  5. Career and opportunities: avoidance of situations involving mirrors, such as job interviews or presentations, can hinder career growth and limit opportunities

Symptoms of spectrophobia

Along with the above-mentioned effects, this phobia can cause physical responses:2

  1. Heart palpitations
  2. Trembling
  3. Nausea
  4. Dyspnea
  5. Chills
  6. Dizziness and lightheadedness
  7. Excessive sweating
  8. Dyspepsia

Diagnosis of spectrophobia

There is no specific test that allows the diagnosis of spectrophobia. Healthcare personnel will conduct a health evaluation, asking questions about the patient’s symptoms and mental health history, including possible other phobias. Referral to a mental health expert who specialises in anxiety disorders and phobias is also possible.2

Managing and overcoming spectrophobia

While overcoming spectrophobia may take time and effort, several strategies can be helpful:2

  1. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): CBT is a commonly used approach for treating phobias. It involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and gradually exposing individuals to their feared stimuli, helping them build tolerance over time.
  2. Exposure therapy: exposure therapy involves controlled and gradual exposure to mirrors or reflective surfaces in a therapeutic setting. Over time, this exposure helps desensitize individuals to their fear.
  3. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques can help individuals manage their anxiety and reduce the physiological responses associated with fear
  4. Support groups: joining support groups or seeking therapy can provide individuals with a safe space to discuss their fears and learn from others who have faced similar challenges
  5. Professional help: if spectrophobia significantly impacts an individual's daily life, seeking help from a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, is crucial


Can spectrophobia develop suddenly? 

Yes, spectrophobia can develop suddenly after a traumatic event involving mirrors or reflections. It can also develop gradually over time due to learned behaviour or other contributing factors.

Is spectrophobia treatable? Yes, spectrophobia is treatable. Therapeutic approaches such as cognitive-behavioural therapy and exposure therapy are effective in helping individuals manage and overcome their fear.

Are there any self-help techniques for managing spectrophobia? 

While professional help is recommended for severe cases, practising relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation, gradual self-exposure to mirrors, and challenging negative thought patterns can be helpful as self-help strategies.

Can medication help with spectrophobia? 

Medication, such as anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants, might be prescribed in conjunction with therapy to manage the symptoms of spectrophobia. However, medication alone is not considered a primary treatment.


Spectrophobia, the fear of mirrors and one's reflection, can have a profound impact on an individual's life. While its causes may vary, the distress it causes is undeniable. Recognizing the effects of spectrophobia and seeking appropriate treatment, whether through therapy or other strategies, is crucial for individuals looking to overcome this fear and regain control over their lives.


  1. Perrotta G. Anxiety disorders: definitions, contexts, neural correlates and strategic therapy. J Neur Neurosci. 2019;6(1):042.  Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344425850_Anxiety_Disorders_Definitions_Contexts_Neural_Correlates_And_Strategic_Therapy
  2. Fear of Mirrors (Eisoptrophobia): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. Cleveland Clinic [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 6]. Available from: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22603-eisoptrophobia-fear-of-mirrors.
This content is purely informational and isn’t medical guidance. It shouldn’t replace professional medical counsel. Always consult your physician regarding treatment risks and benefits. See our editorial standards for more details.

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