Hormonal imbalance is one of the most troubling illnesses and symptoms that women experience today are caused by hormonal imbalances. Fortunately, you can utilise natural supplements to improve your general quality of life, minimise your symptoms, and balance your hormone levels. Research-based advantages of probiotics, vitamins B, lecithin, and herbal solutions can help you regulate your hormones. We should always look to food as the primary source of all the essential macronutrients and micronutrients required to maintain hormonal balance. While supplements are fantastic, there’s no replacement for wholesome foods that come straight from the ground, as nature intended-good, whole foods. Healthy habits and a well-balanced diet help to improve your hormonal health and allow you to feel your best.
Can vitamins balance hormones for women
We all have felt nervous, anxious, or fearful at some point. Even some of us will at some point in our life deal with illnesses like depression. The fact that our emotions change from time to time is a characteristic of being human, but occasionally our bodies as well as our mind can have a significant impact on how we feel. Hormones play a key role in the emotional state of both men and women, but as women, we are more likely to experience extreme and sudden changes in mood as a result of our hormones, mainly due to the monthly cycle and changing levels of progesterone and oestrogen. Hormone imbalances can have an impact on both our emotional and physical well-being, but the good news is that we can support and control our hormones with the correct foods, supplements, and lifestyle choices, which will minimise some of the undesirable physical and emotional symptoms of hormonal imbalances.1
What vitamins can help balance hormones for women
Vitamins that can help hormonal balance for women:
- Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)- Vitamin C can lower cortisol and adrenaline levels, boost immunological responses, decrease inflammation and reduce stress. Additionally, blood pressure can be raised, and anxiety levels can be decreased by consuming vitamin C-rich foods or using an extended-release vitamin C pill.
- Vitamin D3- Because it is a hormone in and of itself, vitamin D reduces hormonal swings. Therefore, vitamin D is a winner when it comes to vitamins to take for hormonal imbalance. Egg yolk and fatty fish are two meals that contain vitamin D. You can also receive vitamin D from the sun. You can combine a high-quality vitamin D supplement with a vitamin K2 dose for improved absorption. It can help with Irregular periods, inadequate immunological response, cardiovascular fitness, depression, and certain cancers.
- Vitamin B6 and Magnesium- Magnesium can help in enhancing sleep, reducing blood pressure, and restoring a regular heartbeat. Vitamin B6 functions as a coenzyme for the metabolism of glucose, amino acids, and lipids and assists in the creation of energy.
- Vitamin E- Vitamin E can help women going through menopause and may have symptoms like heart flutter, insomnia, sweats at night, hot flushes, and vaginal dryness. Vitamin E’s inherent antioxidant capabilities enable it to combat stress, which is a significant contributor to hormone imbalance.
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- Niacin, a component of the B-complex vitamins and specifically vitamin B3, is well known for its capacity to encourage relaxation and support better sleep. Niacin reduces muscle tension, opening up the arteries and improving blood flow. Blood flow is enhanced, while blood pressure is decreased. Reduced stress and depression, all of which can lead to hormone imbalance, are also associated with niacin.2
Signs that you have imbalanced hormones
- Irregular menstrual cycle- Typically, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days. This can be a hormone imbalance symptom if it does not fully match up with your typical monthly cycle. The hormonal disease polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which often manifests in early adulthood and can result in enlarged ovaries and follicles that resemble cysts surrounding the eggs, can cause irregular periods. Women with PCOS frequently do not ovulate at all or regularly. Additionally, they might endure protracted menstrual cycles.
- Infertility- Some women in their 20s and 30s might begin to consider getting married and starting a family. That significant life milestone may be a little challenging due to hormonal imbalance. It might be time to visit your doctor and get evaluated if you have been trying to get pregnant for six months without any luck.
- Hot flushes and night sweats- Drenched in sweat or having sporadic hot flashes during the day? These signs of a hormone imbalance are a big warning sign, and a decline in oestrogen levels is most likely the cause. These symptoms may potentially be symptoms of ovarian failure, notwithstanding their rarity. If you have these symptoms, please visit your physician.
- Persistent weight gain: One of the unsettling and distressing signs of hormone imbalance is weight gain or difficulty decreasing weight. Even if they exercise four or five times per week and are conscious of their calorie consumption, many women still struggle with this problem. This may be caused by overworked adrenals or a PCOS-related imbalance.
- Hair loss- There are many causes that can result in hair loss, with pregnancy and PCOS being two of the most prevalent. Hair loss can also be brought on by skin diseases including psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.
- Pelvic pain- You must see a doctor if you experience pelvic pain during your period or sexual activity. These symptoms may indicate endometriosis, oestrogen-driven fibroids, or ovarian cysts caused by a hormonal imbalance. All can be removed surgically or medically.
- Fatigue- Using excessive amounts of coffee to get through the day? While this can be related to a change in diet, exercise, or sleep patterns, hormonal changes in the thyroid-regulating part of your brain can also cause persistent weariness. Depression and fatigue have been related before. In actuality, depressed individuals are more than four times more likely to experience fatigue.
- Cold hands and feet- Do not worry if your hands and feet occasionally get cold. However, if it persists and is linked to alterations in skin tone, you might be experiencing nerve or blood circulation problems. This may also be connected to hormonal diseases like lupus or diabetes.
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)- PMS is the term used to describe the symptoms that appear just before your period, including cramps, breast tenderness, and mood swings. Numerous drugs and home treatments can be used to address this hormonal imbalance.
- Heavy menstrual periods- Even while weighty heavy periods are highly normal and frequently become the norm for most women, they still need to be evaluated. Fibroids, which are oestrogen-fueled benign lumps in the uterus, can cause heavy bleeding. Medical and surgical procedures can be used to treat this.
- Breast discharge- The overproduction of hormones from your brain may cause milky-coloured discharge from your breasts if you are not actively nursing. This may result in changes to your vision, the problem with ovulation, and changes to the length of your menstrual cycle.3
Hormones are sophisticated, potent substances. Some symptoms can make you feel as though you don't have control over your body if one or more of them are out of balance. It is crucial to discuss your symptoms with your physician if they are new and persistent. They can order several tests to determine whether a hormone imbalance or another condition is the reason. You will be able to feel like yourself again as soon as you seek out assistance and treatment.
- How do vitamins affect your hormones and mood? [Internet]. Moody. [cited 2022 Dec 22]. Available from: https://moodymonth.com/articles/how-do-vitamins-affect-your-hormones-and-mood
- bell. 5 essential vitamins and supplements that help balance hormones - ob gyn associates of birmingham alabama | obstetric gynaecological services [Internet]. OB/GYN Associates of Alabama. 2019 [cited 2022 Dec 22]. Available from: https://obgynal.com/vitamins-and-supplements-that-help-balance-hormones/
- Everything you need to know about hormonal imbalance [Internet]. Healthline. 2022 [cited 2022 Dec 22]. Available from: https://www.healthline.com/health/hormonal-imbalance