Supporting Healthy Hair With Oranges

  • Umar Javed Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery - MBBS, Public Health, Ayub Medical College
  • Zahraa Al-Lami Alevel Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Arabic, The UCL Academy


When it comes to achieving those luscious, healthy locks, you often reach for the wallet and spend a fortune on expensive hair care products and treatments. But guess what? The secret to maintaining beautiful hair might be as close to you as your fruit bowl: oranges. Oranges aren't just delicious and refreshing; they're packed with essential nutrients that can work wonders for your hair. In this article, we'll dive into all the ways oranges can help you maintain and promote those gorgeous, healthy tresses.

The nutrient powerhouse of oranges

Oranges are famous for their vitamin C content, and this vitamin plays a vital role in keeping your hair in top shape. Vitamin C is like a superhero antioxidant that shields your hair follicles from damage caused by nasty free radicals. Plus, it's a key player in collagen production, a protein that's essential for strong hair strands. Collagen keeps your hair resilient and elastic, preventing breakage and overall hair health.

But oranges aren't a one-trick pony. They're packed with other essential nutrients that your hair will love:

Vitamin A: This vitamin is like the secret sauce for sebum production – your scalp's natural oil that keeps your hair moisturised. Adequate sebum production ensures you dodge the dry and brittle hair bullet. Studies have shown that vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair follicles.

B-Vitamins: Oranges are a treasure trove of various B-vitamins, like B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin). These vitamins get the blood flowing to your scalp, stimulating hair growth and maintaining a healthy scalp. Research suggests that B vitamins are essential for maintaining optimal hair health and growth.

Folate: Also known as vitamin B9, is essential for healthy cell growth and division, including the cells in your hair follicles. It's your hair's best friend. A deficiency in folate has been linked to hair thinning and hair loss.

Potassium: This mineral is the hair's wingman, maintaining the right electrolyte balance in your body and prevents your hair from drying out.  Potassium is essential for maintaining hair and scalp hydration.

The role of oranges in hair growth

Promoting hair growth

So, we've already sung the praises of the vitamins and minerals in oranges, but let's break it down further. Vitamin C, in particular, is the driving force behind collagen, which is like the scaffolding for your hair strands. Stronger strands mean less breakage and more fabulous hair growth. Several studies have highlighted the role of vitamin C in collagen synthesis and its importance in hair health. 

Reducing hair loss

Hair loss? It's the nightmare of many folks' existence. Stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances can all contribute to this hairy issue. Oranges, with their mega-dose of vitamin C, can be your knight in shining armor. They strengthen hair follicles and give you a fighting chance against hair loss. Vitamin C's antioxidant properties can combat oxidative stress and reduce hair loss.

Improving scalp health

A healthy scalp is the foundation for luscious hair, and oranges have got you covered. Vitamin A keeps sebum flowing, keeping your scalp and hair moisturized. Meanwhile, B-vitamins are like a little scalp workout, pumping up the blood circulation and making sure your hair follicles get all the nutrients they need to thrive. A balanced scalp has been associated with improved hair health and length.

Using oranges for hair health

Orange juice hair rinse 

Let's keep it simple – an orange juice hair rinse. After you've scrubbed your locks with shampoo, mix fresh orange juice with water and use it as a final rinse. It'll wash away product buildup, add some shine to your hair, and leave it smelling citrusy fresh.

Homemade hair masks

Feeling a bit crafty? Try your hand at DIY orange hair masks for a fun and effective way to boost your hair health. These masks not only provide your hair with the goodness of oranges but also allow you to pamper yourself. Here's an expanded guide on preparing and using these masks:

Orange, Honey, and Yogurt Hair Mask

  • 1 ripe orange
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of yoghurt 
  1. Start by selecting a ripe orange. Ripe oranges tend to be juicier, which is what you want for this mask.
  2. Squeeze the orange and collect the fresh juice. You'll need approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cups of orange juice, depending on your hair length.
  3. Mix the freshly squeezed orange juice with 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of yogurt in a bowl. Honey is not only a natural humectant that attracts moisture to your hair but also has antioxidant properties that contribute to hair health. Yogurt adds a creamy texture and helps in nourishing your hair.
  4. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, you should have a smooth and creamy hair mask.
  • Before applying the mask, comb your hair to remove any tangles
  • Part your hair into sections to ensure even application
  • Using your fingers or a brush, apply the mask starting from the roots and working your way down to the tips. Ensure that each strand is well-coated with the mixture
  • Once applied, gather your hair into a bun or secure it with a clip
  • Put on a shower cap to avoid any dripping
  • Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. During this time, you can relax, read a book, or catch up on your favorite show
  • After the designated time, rinse the mask out with lukewarm water. You may need to shampoo and condition your hair to ensure that all the mask residues are removed

This mask combines the benefits of oranges, honey, and yogurt. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which can promote hair health. Honey adds moisture, shine, and antioxidant properties to the mix, while yogurt helps in maintaining your hair's moisture balance. Together, these ingredients leave your hair feeling softer, smoother, and more manageable.

Orange, Coconut Oil, and Egg Hair Mask:

  • 1 ripe orange
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 egg
  1. Squeeze the juice of a ripe orange to obtain approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fresh orange juice.
  2. Mix the freshly squeezed orange juice with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 egg. Coconut oil is well-known for its nourishing and moisturizing properties for hair, while the egg adds proteins that strengthen your hair.
  • Detangle your hair and section it for even application
  • Using your fingers or a brush, apply the mask from the roots to the tips, ensuring that your hair is well-coated
  • Secure your hair with a bun or clip and cover it with a shower cap
  • Allow the mask to work its magic for 20-30 minutes
  • After the allotted time, rinse the mask out with lukewarm water, and follow up with a gentle shampoo and conditioner

This mask is a powerhouse of nourishment for your hair. Oranges contribute vitamin C and citric acid, which can boost hair health. Coconut oil deeply hydrates and conditions your hair, and the egg provides essential proteins for strengthening hair strands. This mask leaves your hair feeling softer, smoother, and more robust.

These homemade hair masks offer a natural and budget-friendly way to benefit from the nutrients in oranges while indulging in some self-care. Remember to use them in moderation, typically once a week, to maintain your hair's health and luster.

Orange essential oil

Orange essential oil is like a hair spa treatment. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba and give your scalp a relaxing massage. Not only will it work wonders for your hair, but you'll also be smelling fabulous.

A balanced diet

Here's the best part: you don't just have to apply oranges topically – you can munch on them too! A well-balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, including oranges, is like a magic potion for your hair. You'll get all those vitamins and minerals, plus the fiber and hydration that oranges bring to the table. Your hair will thank you.

Other nutrients for hair health

While oranges are an excellent addition to your hair care routine, don't forget about the role of other nutrients in maintaining healthy hair. Proteins, for instance, are the building blocks of your hair. Foods rich in protein, such as lean meats, fish, and legumes, are essential for strong and vibrant hair.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can improve the health of your scalp, reduce inflammation, and promote hair growth. Biotin, a B-vitamin, is another nutrient that plays a crucial role in hair health. It can be found in foods like eggs, nuts, and whole grains.

Incorporate a variety of these nutrients into your diet to complement the benefits of oranges and support overall hair health.

Cautionary notes

Now, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are a couple of things you should keep in mind:


If your skin starts itching, turns red, or breaks out in hives after using orange products, it's best to consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Allergic reactions to citrus fruits can range from mild skin irritations to more severe symptoms like swelling or difficulty breathing. So, if you notice any adverse reactions, it's crucial to discontinue the use of orange-based hair products and consult a healthcare professional promptly.

Citric acid 

Oranges have citric acid, which can be a bit too harsh for your hair in its concentrated form. While diluted orange juice can have numerous benefits for your hair, using undiluted orange juice directly on your hair can lead to dryness, frizz, and potential damage. It's essential to ensure that you're mixing orange juice with water or other ingredients to maintain a balanced pH level for your hair and prevent any adverse effects.

Sun sensitivity 

Oranges can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. This is primarily due to the presence of psoralens in citrus fruits, which can react with UV radiation and cause a condition known as phytophotodermatitis. If you're using orange-based hair products or planning a day outdoors, don't forget to pack the sunscreen. This is especially crucial during peak sunlight hours. Apply sunscreen to exposed areas of your skin to protect against potential sunburn or skin reactions.

Pregnancy and medication considerations

If you are pregnant or taking any medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified dermatologist before introducing new hair care practices, including those involving oranges. Some individuals may have specific dietary restrictions or interactions between medications and certain nutrients, which could impact the safety and effectiveness of orange-based hair treatments. Your healthcare provider can offer personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs.


Oranges aren't just a tasty snack; they're a treasure trove of nutrients that can work wonders for your hair. From promoting hair growth and battling hair loss to keeping your scalp in top-notch shape and improving your overall hair condition, oranges are a winning addition to your hair care routine. So, the next time you're craving a quick bite, consider grabbing an orange to keep your hair naturally fabulous!


  • Abdullah, Muhammad, et al. “Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).” StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, 2023. PubMed,
  • VanBuren, Christine A., and Helen B. Everts. “Vitamin A in Skin and Hair: An Update.” Nutrients, vol. 14, no. 14, July 2022, p. 2952. PubMed Central,
  • Hanna, Mary, et al. “B Vitamins: Functions and Uses in Medicine.” The Permanente Journal, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 89–97. PubMed Central,
  • Almohanna, Hind M., et al. “The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review.” Dermatology and Therapy, vol. 9, no. 1, Dec. 2018, pp. 51–70. PubMed Central,
  • DePhillipo, Nicholas N., et al. “Efficacy of Vitamin C Supplementation on Collagen Synthesis and Oxidative Stress After Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review.” Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 2018, p. 2325967118804544. PubMed Central,
This content is purely informational and isn’t medical guidance. It shouldn’t replace professional medical counsel. Always consult your physician regarding treatment risks and benefits. See our editorial standards for more details.

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